Source code for nmmn.stats

Statistical methods

- fit residuals
- Computing prediction and confidence bands
- Comparing goodness-of-fit of different models
- operations on statistical distributions
- custom statistical distributions
- p-values and significance

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.stats
from . import misc

# Residuals of a fit
# ===================
# Residual sum of squares, raw scatter about best-fit and 
# intrinsic scatter.

[docs]def scatterfit(x,y,a=None,b=None): """ Compute the mean deviation of the data about the linear model given if A,B (*y=ax+b*) provided as arguments. Otherwise, compute the mean deviation about the best-fit line. :param x,y: assumed to be Numpy arrays. :param a,b: scalars. :rtype: float sd with the mean deviation. """ if a==None: # Performs linear regression a, b, r, p, err = scipy.stats.linregress(x,y) # Std. deviation of an individual measurement (Bevington, eq. 6.15) N=np.size(x) sd=1./(N-2.)* np.sum((y-a*x-b)**2) sd=np.sqrt(sd) return sd
[docs]def scatterfitg(ydata,ymod,deg): """ Compute the mean deviation of the data about the model given in the array ymod, tabulated exactly like ydata. Usage: >>> sd=scatterfitg(ydata,ymod,n) :param ydata: data :param ymod: model evaluated at xdata :param n: number of free parameters in the model :type ydata,ymod: Numpy arrays :rtype: float sd with the mean deviation. """ # Std. deviation of an individual measurement (Bevington, eq. 6.15) N=np.size(ydata) sd=1./(N-deg)* np.sum((ydata-ymod)**2) sd=np.sqrt(sd) return sd
[docs]def scatpratt(x,y,errx,erry,a,b): """ This is an alternative way of computing the "raw" scatter about the best-fit linear relation in the presence of measurement errors, proposed by Pratt et al. 2009, A&A, 498, 361. In the words of Cavagnolo et al. (2010): *We have quantified the total scatter about the best-fit relation using a weighted estimate of the orthogonal distances to the best-fit line (see Pratt et al. 2009).* Usage: .. function:: sd=scatpratt(x,y,errx,erry,a,b) :param x,y: X and Y data arrays :param errx, erry: standard deviations in X and Y :param a,b: slope and intercept of best-fit linear relation :rtype: float sd with the scatter about the best-fit. v1 Mar 20 2012 """ N=np.size(x) # Equation 4 from Pratt et al. 2009 sdsq=erry**2+a**2*errx**2 wden=1./N*np.sum(1./sdsq) # Denominator of w w=1./sdsq/wden # Equation 3 from Pratt et al. 2009 sdrawsq=1./(N-2.)*np.sum(w*(y-a*x-b)**2) sdraw=np.sqrt(sdrawsq) return sdraw
[docs]def residual(ydata,ymod): """ Compute the residual sum of squares (RSS) also known as the sum of squared residuals (see Usage: >>> rss=residual(ydata,ymod) where ydata : data ymod : model evaluated at xdata ydata,ymod assumed to be Numpy arrays. Returns the float rss with the mean deviation. Dec. 2011 """ # Std. deviation of an individual measurement (Bevington, eq. 6.15) N=np.size(ydata) rss=np.sum((ydata-ymod)**2) return rss
[docs]def chisq(x,y,a=None,b=None,sd=None): """ Returns the chi-square error statistic as the sum of squared errors between Y(i) and AX(i) + B. If individual standard deviations (array sd) are supplied, then the chi-square error statistic is computed as the sum of squared errors divided by the standard deviations. Inspired on the IDL procedure See for reference. If a linear model is not provided via A,B (y=ax+b) then the method computes the chi-square using the best-fit line. x,y,sd assumed to be Numpy arrays. a,b scalars. Returns the float chisq with the chi-square statistic. """ if a==None: # Performs linear regression a, b, r, p, err = scipy.stats.linregress(x,y) # Chi-square statistic (Bevington, eq. 6.9) if sd==None: chisq=np.sum((y-a*x-b)**2) else: chisq=np.sum( ((y-a*x-b)/sd)**2 ) return chisq
[docs]def chisqg(ydata,ymod,sd=None): """ Returns the chi-square error statistic as the sum of squared errors between Ydata(i) and Ymodel(i). If individual standard deviations (array sd) are supplied, then the chi-square error statistic is computed as the sum of squared errors divided by the standard deviations. Inspired on the IDL procedure See for reference. x,y,sd assumed to be Numpy arrays. a,b scalars. Returns the float chisq with the chi-square statistic. """ # Chi-square statistic (Bevington, eq. 6.9) if sd==None: chisq=np.sum((ydata-ymod)**2) else: chisq=np.sum( ((ydata-ymod)/sd)**2 ) return chisq
[docs]def chisqxy(x,y,errx,erry,a,b): """ Returns the chi-square error statistic for a linear fit, computed taking into account the errors in both X and Y (i.e. the effective variance). See equation 3 in Ascenso et al. 2012, A&A or Yee & Ellingson 2003 ApJ. Usage: >>> chisq=chisqxy(xdata,ydata,errx,erry,a,b) where - xdata,ydata : data - errx,erry : measurement uncertainties in the data - a,b : slope and intercept of the best-fit linear regression model """ sdsq=erry**2+a**2*errx**2 chisq=np.sum( (y-a*x-b)**2/sdsq ) return chisq
[docs]def intscat(x,y,errx,erry,a,b): """ Estimates the intrinsic scatter about the best-fit, taking into account the errors in X and Y and the "raw" scatter. Inspired by Pratt et al. 2009, A&A, 498, 361. Usage: >>> sd=intscat(x,y,errx,erry,a,b) where - x,y : X and Y data arrays - errx, erry : standard deviations in X and Y - a,b : slope and intercept of best-fit linear relation Returns the float sd with the scatter about the best-fit. v1 Apr 9th 2012 """ # Raw scatter sdraw=scatpratt(x,y,errx,erry,a,b) sdrawsq=sdraw**2 # Statistical variance, eq. 4 from Pratt et al. 2009 sdsq=erry**2+a**2*errx**2 # Intrinsic scatter for each data point intscati=np.sqrt( np.abs(sdsq-sdrawsq) ) return np.mean(intscati)
[docs]def linregress_error(x,y): """ Compute the uncertainties in the parameters A,B of the least-squares linear regression fit y=ax+b to the data (scipy.stats.linregress). x,y assumed to be Numpy arrays. Returns the sequence sigma_a, sigma_b with the standard deviations in A and B. """ # Performs linear regression a, b, r, p, err = scipy.stats.linregress(x,y) # Std. deviation of an individual measurement (Bevington, eq. 6.15) N=np.size(x) sd=1./(N-2.)* np.sum((y-a*x-b)**2); sd=np.sqrt(sd) # Std. deviation in parameters Delta=N*np.sum(x**2)-(np.sum(x))**2 # Bevington, eq. 6.13 sdb=sd**2/Delta*np.sum(x**2); sdb=np.sqrt(sdb) # Bevington, eq. 6.23 sda=N*sd**2/Delta; sda=np.sqrt(sda) return sda,sdb
# Computing prediction and confidence bands # =========================================== # #
[docs]def confband(xd,yd,a,b,conf=0.95,x=None): """ Calculates the confidence band of the linear regression model at the desired confidence level, using analytical methods. The 2sigma confidence interval is 95% sure to contain the best-fit regression line. This is not the same as saying it will contain 95% of the data points. Arguments: - conf: desired confidence level, by default 0.95 (2 sigma) - xd,yd: data arrays - a,b: linear fit parameters as in y=ax+b - x: (optional) array with x values to calculate the confidence band. If none is provided, will by default generate 100 points in the original x-range of the data. Returns: Sequence (lcb,ucb,x) with the arrays holding the lower and upper confidence bands corresponding to the [input] x array. Usage: >>> lcb,ucb,x=nemmen.confband(,all.lg,a,b,conf=0.95) calculates the confidence bands for the given input arrays >>> pylab.fill_between(x, lcb, ucb, alpha=0.3, facecolor='gray') plots a shaded area containing the confidence band References: 1., see Section Confidence intervals 2. v1 Dec. 2011 v2 Jun. 2012: corrected bug in computing dy """ alpha=1.-conf # significance n=xd.size # data sample size if x==None: x=np.linspace(xd.min(),xd.max(),100) # Predicted values (best-fit model) y=a*x+b # Auxiliary definitions sd=scatterfit(xd,yd,a,b) # Scatter of data about the model sxd=np.sum((xd-xd.mean())**2) sx=(x-xd.mean())**2 # array # Quantile of Student's t distribution for p=1-alpha/2 q=scipy.stats.t.ppf(1.-alpha/2.,n-2) # Confidence band dy=q*sd*np.sqrt( 1./n + sx/sxd ) ucb=y+dy # Upper confidence band lcb=y-dy # Lower confidence band return lcb,ucb,x
[docs]def predband(xd,yd,a,b,conf=0.95,x=None): """ Calculates the prediction band of the linear regression model at the desired confidence level, using analytical methods. Clarification of the difference between confidence and prediction bands: "The 2sigma confidence interval is 95% sure to contain the best-fit regression line. This is not the same as saying it will contain 95% of the data points. The prediction bands are further from the best-fit line than the confidence bands, a lot further if you have many data points. The 95% prediction interval is the area in which you expect 95% of all data points to fall." (from Arguments: - conf: desired confidence level, by default 0.95 (2 sigma) - xd,yd: data arrays - a,b: linear fit parameters as in y=ax+b - x: (optional) array with x values to calculate the confidence band. If none is provided, will by default generate 100 points in the original x-range of the data. Usage: >>> lpb,upb,x=nemmen.predband(,all.lg,a,b,conf=0.95) calculates the prediction bands for the given input arrays >>> pylab.fill_between(x, lpb, upb, alpha=0.3, facecolor='gray') plots a shaded area containing the prediction band :returns: Sequence (lpb,upb,x) with the arrays holding the lower and upper confidence bands corresponding to the [input] x array. References: 1. `Introduction to Simple Linear Regression, Gerard E. Dallal, Ph.D. <>`_ """ alpha=1.-conf # significance n=xd.size # data sample size if x is None: x=np.linspace(xd.min(),xd.max(),100) # Predicted values (best-fit model) y=a*x+b # Auxiliary definitions sd=scatterfit(xd,yd,a,b) # Scatter of data about the model sxd=np.sum((xd-xd.mean())**2) sx=(x-xd.mean())**2 # array # Quantile of Student's t distribution for p=1-alpha/2 q=scipy.stats.t.ppf(1.-alpha/2.,n-2) # Prediction band dy=q*sd*np.sqrt( 1.+1./n + sx/sxd ) upb=y+dy # Upper prediction band lpb=y-dy # Lower prediction band return lpb,upb,x
[docs]def confbandnl(xd,yd,fun,par,varcov,deg,conf=0.95,x=None): """ Calculates the confidence band of a nonlinear model at the desired confidence level, using analytical methods. Arguments: - xd,yd: data arrays - fun : function f(v) - the model - which returns a scalar. v is an array such that v[0]=x (scalar), v[i>0] = parameters of the model - par : array or list with structure [par0, par1, par2, ...] with the best-fit parameters that will be fed into fun - varcov : variance-covariance matrix obtained from the nonlinear fit - deg : number of free parameters in the model - conf: desired confidence level, by default 0.95 (2 sigma) - x: (optional) array with x values to calculate the confidence band. If none is provided, will by default generate 100 points in the original x-range of the data. Usage: >>> lcb,ucb,x=nemmen.confbandnl(,all.lg,broken,bfit,bcov,4,conf=0.95) calculates the confidence bands for the given input arrays >>> pylab.fill_between(x, lcb, ucb, alpha=0.3, facecolor='gray') plots a shaded area containing the prediction band :returns: Sequence (lcb,ucb,x) with the arrays holding the lower and upper confidence bands corresponding to the [input] x array. References: 1. `How does Prism compute confidence and prediction bands for nonlinear regression? <>`_ 2. 3. see also my notebook """ import numdifftools alpha=1.-conf # significance n=xd.size # data sample size if x is None: x=np.linspace(xd.min(),xd.max(),100) # Gradient (needs to be evaluated) dfun=numdifftools.Gradient(fun) # Quantile of Student's t distribution for p=1-alpha/2 q=scipy.stats.t.ppf(1.-alpha/2.,n-2) # Residual sum of squares rss=residual(yd, misc.evalfun(fun,xd,par) ) grad,p=[],[] i=0 y=misc.evalfun(fun,x,par) v=np.zeros_like(x) for i in range(x.size): # List: arrays consisting of [x[i], par1, par2, ...] p.append( np.concatenate(([x[i]],par)) ) # List: each element -> gradient evaluated at each xi grad.append(dfun(p[i])) # Before processing the grad array, eliminates the first element[i][1:]), varcov) v[i], grad[i][1:]) # Confidence band dy=q*np.sqrt( v*rss/(n-deg) ) ucb=y+dy # Upper confidence band lcb=y-dy # Lower confidence band return lcb,ucb,x
[docs]def predbandnl(xd,yd,fun,par,varcov,deg,conf=0.95,x=None): """ Calculates the prediction band of a nonlinear model at the desired confidence level, using analytical methods. Arguments: - xd,yd: data arrays - fun : function f(v) - the model - which returns a scalar. v is an array such that v[0]=x, v[i>0] = parameters of the model - par : array or list with structure [par0, par1, par2, ...] with the best-fit parameters that will be fed into fun - varcov : variance-covariance matrix obtained from the nonlinear fit - deg : number of free parameters in the model - conf: desired confidence level, by default 0.95 (2 sigma) - x: (optional) array with x values to calculate the confidence band. If none is provided, will by default generate 100 points in the original x-range of the data. Usage: >>> lpb,upb,x=nemmen.predbandnl(,all.lg,broken,bfit,bcov,4,conf=0.95) calculates the prediction bands for the given input arrays >>> pylab.fill_between(x, lpb, upb, alpha=0.3, facecolor='gray') plots a shaded area containing the prediction band :returns: Sequence (lpb,upb,x) with the arrays holding the lower and upper confidence bands corresponding to the [input] x array. References: 1., "How does Prism compute confidence and prediction bands for nonlinear regression?" 2. 3. see also my notebook) """ import numdifftools alpha=1.-conf # significance n=xd.size # data sample size if x is None: x=np.linspace(xd.min(),xd.max(),100) # Gradient (needs to be evaluated) dfun=numdifftools.Gradient(fun) # Quantile of Student's t distribution for p=1-alpha/2 q=scipy.stats.t.ppf(1.-alpha/2.,n-2) # Residual sum of squares rss=residual(yd, misc.evalfun(fun,xd,par) ) grad,p=[],[] i=0 y=misc.evalfun(fun,x,par) v=np.zeros_like(x) for i in range(x.size): # List: arrays consisting of [x[i], par1, par2, ...] p.append( np.concatenate(([x[i]],par)) ) # List: each element -> gradient evaluated at each xi grad.append(dfun(p[i])) # Before processing the grad array, eliminates the first element[i][1:]), varcov) v[i], grad[i][1:]) # Confidence band dy=q*np.sqrt( (1.+v)*rss/(n-deg) ) upb=y+dy # Upper prediction band lpb=y-dy # Lower prediction band return lpb,upb,x
[docs]def confbandmc(x,par,varcov,n=100000,sigmas=1.): """ Calculates the 1sigma confidence band of a linear model without needing to specify the data points, by doing a Monte Carlo simulation using the Multivariate normal distribution. Assumes the parameters follow a 2D normal distribution. Arguments: - x: array with x values to calculate the confidence band. - par : array or list with structure [par0, par1, par2, ...] with the best-fit parameters - varcov : variance-covariance matrix of the parameters - n : number of (a,b) points generated from the multivariate gaussian - sigmas : number of standard deviations contained within the prediction band Output: - lcb, ucb : lower and upper prediction bands - y : values of the model tabulated at x Usage: >>> lcb,ucb,y=nemmen.confbandmc(x,bfit,bcov) calculates the prediction bands for the given input arrays >>> pylab.fill_between(x, lcb, ucb, alpha=0.3, facecolor='gray') plots a shaded area containing the prediction band """ # Generates many realizations of a and b from the multinormal distribution ar,br = np.random.multivariate_normal(par,varcov,n).T erry=[] # will contain the std deviation in y y=[] # values of y for each x for xi in x: yr=ar*xi+br erry.append( yr.std() ) y.append( yr.mean() ) erry=np.array(erry) y=np.array(y) ucb=y+sigmas*erry # Upper confidence band lcb=y-sigmas*erry # Lower confidence band return lcb,ucb,y
[docs]def credbandmc(x,slope,inter,sigmas=1.): """ Calculates the confidence (or credibility in case of Bayesian analysis) band of a linear regression model, given the posterior probability distributions of the slope and intercept (presumably computed via Bayesian regression, see These distributions do not need to be normal. Arguments: - x: array with x values to calculate the confidence band. - slope, inter: posterior distributions of slope and intercept for linear regression - sigmas : number of standard deviations contained within the confidence band Output: - lcb, ucb : lower and upper confidence bands - y : best-fit values of the model tabulated at x Usage: >>> lcb,ucb,y=nemmen.predbandmc(x,a,b) calculates the prediction bands for the given input arrays >>> pylab.fill_between(x, lcb, ucb, alpha=0.3, facecolor='gray') plots a shaded area containing the prediction band v1 Jun. 2012: inspired by private communication with B. Kelly. """ a,b = slope,inter # Define the confidence/credibility interval conf=1.-scipy.special.erf(sigmas/np.sqrt(2.)) lcb,ucb,ym=np.zeros_like(x),np.zeros_like(x),np.zeros_like(x) for i, xi in enumerate(x): # Distribution of y for each x yp=a*xi+b # 'p' as in posterior # Lower confidence band lcb[i]=scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(yp,conf*100./2.) # Upper confidence band ucb[i]=scipy.stats.scoreatpercentile(yp,100.*(1-conf/2.)) ym[i]=np.median(yp) return lcb,ucb,ym
[docs]def predband_linboot(x,a,b,n): """ Computes information for plotting the prediction band ("bow tie" plot) around best-fit. Run this after running `linboot` below. Usage: Plots prediction band and best-fit given data x,y >>> n=1000 >>> a,b=nmmn.stats.linboot(x,y,n) >>> xMock,yBest,yStd=nmmn.stats.confband_linboot(x,a,b,n) >>> plt.plot(x,y,'o') >>> plt.plot(xMock,amed*xMock+bmed) >>> plt.fill_between(xMock,yBest-yStd,yBest+yStd,alpha=0.3, facecolor='gray') :param x: array of x data values :param a: array of slopes from bootstrapped fits :param b: array of intercepts from bootstrapped fits :param n: number of bootstrapping resamples that will be generated :returns: arrays x (mock x-values with same interval as data), corresponding best-fit values, yStd (prediction band) """ xsim=np.linspace(x.min(),x.max(),50) for i in range(n): if i==0: yarr=a[i]*xsim+b[i] else: yarr2=a[i]*xsim+b[i] yarr=np.vstack((yarr,yarr2)) # best-fit values amed=np.median(a) bmed=np.median(b) yBest=amed*xsim+bmed # prediction band yStd=np.std(yarr,axis=0) return xsim,yBest,yStd
# Monte Carlo simulations, generate random numbers # ===================================================
[docs]def gauss2d(par,varcov,n=10000): """ Calculates random numbers drawn from the multinormal distribution in two dimensions. Computes also the probability associated with each number that can be used to computed confidence levels. Arguments: - par : array or list with structure [par0, par1, par2, ...] with the best-fit parameters - varcov : variance-covariance matrix of the parameters - n : number of (a,b) points generated from the multivariate gaussian Output: - x,y : arrays of random values generated from the multinormal distribution - prob : probability associated with each value Usage: >>> x,y,prob=gauss2d(par,varcov,100000) v1 Apr. 2012 """ # Generates many realizations of a and b from the multinormal distribution x,y = np.random.multivariate_normal(par,varcov,n).T # Best-fit values x0,y0 = par[0], par[1] dx,dy = x-x0,y-y0 sigx,sigy=np.sqrt(varcov[0,0]),np.sqrt(varcov[1,1]) cov=varcov[0,1] rho=cov/sigx*sigy numchisq=(dx/sigx)**2+(dy/sigy)**2-2.*rho*(dx/sigx)*(dy/sigy) chisq=numchisq/(1.-rho**2) prob=np.exp(-chisq/2.) return x,y,prob
[docs]def bootcorr(x,y,nboot): """ Given (X,Y) data points with intrinsic scatter, computes the bootstrapped Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients. This will give you an idea of how much outliers affect your correlation. Usage: >>> r,rho=bootcorr(x,y,100000) performs 100000 bootstrapping realizations on the arrays x and y. :returns: *r* - array with bootstrapped Pearson statistics :returns: *rho* - bootstrapped array with Spearman statistics """ r,rho=[],[] for i in range(nboot): [xsim,ysim]=bootstrap([x,y]) # Pearson r rsim=scipy.stats.pearsonr(xsim,ysim) r.append(rsim[0]) # Spearman rho rhosim=scipy.stats.spearmanr(xsim,ysim) rho.append(rhosim[0]) r,rho=np.array(r),np.array(rho) results=np.array([ np.median(r), r.std(), np.median(rho), rho.std() ]) print("<r> err_r <rho> errrho") print(np.round(results, 2)) results=np.array([ r2p(np.median(r)-np.abs(r.std()),x.size), r2p(np.median(r),x.size), r2p(np.median(r)+np.abs(r.std()),x.size) ]) print("Prob. <- <r>-std, <r>, <r>+std") print(results) print("Rejection of H0 respectively at") for p in results: print(round(p2sig(p),2) ) return r,rho
[docs]def gen_ts(y,erry,n,zeropad=True): """ Given a time series (TS) with uncertainties on the signal, this will generate *n* new TS with y-values distributed according to the error bars. Output will be a :math:`n \\times {\rm{size}(t)}` array. Each row of this array contains a simulated TS. :param y: array of y-values for time series (do not need to be in order) :param erry: array of 1-sigma errors on y-values :param n: number of Mock TS to generate :param zeropad: are y-values<0 not allowed? `True` will make any values<0 into 0 :returns: `n x size(t)` array. Each row of this array contains a simulated TS """ ysim=np.empty((n,y.size)) for i in range(y.size): # generate new points given normal distribution ysim[:,i]=np.random.normal(y[i],erry[i],n) # makes sure no value is smaller than zero ysim[ysim<0]=0. return ysim
[docs]def random(a,b,n=None): """ Generates an array of random uniformly distributed floats in the interval *[x0,x1)*. >>> random(0.3,0.4,1000) """ return (b - a) * scipy.random.random_sample(n) + a
[docs]def linboot(x,y,n): """ Performs the usual linear regression *with bootstrapping*. Usage: >>> a,b=lincorr(x,y,10000) performs 10000 bootstrapped fits on the arrays x and y. Plot the best-fit with >>> amed=np.median(a) >>> bmed=np.median(b) >>> plt.plot(x,y,'o') >>> plt.plot(x,amed*x+bmed) :param x: array of x data values :param y: array of y data values :param n: number of bootstrapping resamples that will be generated :returns: arrays `a` and `b`, each element is a different bootstrapped fit """ from . import lsd # y = A*x + B a, b=[],[] for i in range(n): # This is needed for small datasets. With datasets of 4 points or less, # bootstrapping can generate a mock array with 4 repeated points. This # will cause an error in the linear regression. allEquals=True while allEquals: [xsim,ysim]=lsd.bootstrap([x,y]) allEquals=lsd.allEqual(xsim) # Linear fit asim, bsim, rsim, p, err = scipy.stats.linregress(xsim,ysim) a.append(asim) b.append(bsim) a,b=np.array(a),np.array(b) return a,b
# Comparing goodness-of-fit of different models # ================================================ # F-test, Akaike information criterion and reduced chi-squared
[docs]def ftest(rss1,rss2,n,p1,p2): """ Carries out the F-test to decide which model fits the data better. Computes the F statistic, associated p-value and the significance in sigmas with which we can reject the null hypothesis. You can also give the :math:`\chi^2` values instead of RSS if you have y-errors. Note that p2>p1 must be obeyed, i.e. model 2 is "nested" within model 1. Usage: >>> fstat,pvalue,conf = ftest(rss1,rss2,n,p1,p2) Arguments: - rss1, rss2 : residual sum of squares for models 1 and 2 - n : sample size, i.e. number of data points - p1, p2 : number of free parameters in the models Returns: - fstat : the F statistic - pvalue : p-value associated with the F statistic - conf : significance in sigmas with which we can reject the null hypothesis References: 1. 2.,, Comparing the fits of two models ( v1 Dec. 2011 v2 Jan 16 2012: added comment regarding y-errors """ fstat=scipy.stats.f_value(rss1,rss2,n-p1,n-p2) pvalue=1.-scipy.stats.f.cdf(fstat,p2-p1,n-p2) conf=np.sqrt(2.)*scipy.special.erfinv(1.-pvalue) return fstat, pvalue, conf
[docs]def aic(k,n,rss,errors=False): """ Computes the Akaike information criterion which is "a measure of the relative goodness of fit of a statistical model". Unlike the F-test, it does not assume that one model is a particular case of the more complex one. If errors==False then assume the errors are the same for every data point. Otherwise, assumes you are providing the chi-squared values instead of RSS. Usage: >>> aic = aic(k,n,rss) :param rss: residual sum of squares for the model in case errors=False, otherwise assumes you are giving the chi-square values :param n: sample size, i.e. number of data points :param k: number of free parameters in the model :returns: AIC statistic References: 1. Documentation for Origin software on fit comparison: (first heard about this test there) 2. v1 Dec 2011 """ if errors==False: # AIC assuming the errors are identical and given the residual sum of squares, # see aicstat=n*np.log(rss/n)+2.*k else: # If you have different errors for the data points, it will assume rss=chisq aicstat=rss+2.*k # AICc = AIC with a correction for finite sample size aicc=aicstat+2.*k*(k+1.)/(n-k-1.) return aicc
[docs]def bic(k,n,rss,errors=False): """ Computes the Bayesian information criterion which is "a criterion for model selection among a finite set of models". From wikipedia: "The BIC [...] introduces a penalty term for the number of parameters in the model. The penalty term is larger in BIC than in AIC." In order to use BIC to quantify the evidence against a specific model, check out the section "use of BIC" in the presentation "171:290 Model Selection, Lecture VI: The Bayesian Information Criterion" by Joseph Cavanaugh ( If errors==False then assume the errors are the same for every data point. Otherwise, assumes you are providing the chi-squared values instead of RSS. Usage: >>> bic = bic(k,n,rss) Arguments: - rss : residual sum of squares for the model in case errors=False, otherwise assumes you are giving the chi-square values - n : sample size, i.e. number of data points - k : number of free parameters in the model Returns: BIC statistic References: 1. 2. Model Selection, Lecture VI: The Bayesian Information Criterion" by Joseph Cavanaugh ( v1 Apr 2012 """ if errors==False: # BIC assuming the errors are identical and given the residual sum of squares, # using the unbiased variance bicstat=n*np.log(rss/(n-1.))+k*np.log(n) else: # If you have different errors for the data points, it will assume rss=chisq bicstat=rss+k*np.log(n) return bicstat
[docs]def redchisq(x,y,a=None,b=None,sd=None): """ Returns the reduced chi-square error statistic for a linear fit: chisq/nu where nu is the number of degrees of freedom. If individual standard deviations (array sd) are supplied, then the chi-square error statistic is computed as the sum of squared errors divided by the standard deviations. See for reference. If a linear model is not provided via A,B (y=ax+b) then the method computes the chi-square using the best-fit line. x,y,sd assumed to be Numpy arrays. a,b scalars. deg integer. Returns the float chisq/nu with the reduced chi-square statistic. """ if a is None: # Performs linear regression a, b, r, p, err = scipy.stats.linregress(x,y) # Chi-square statistic if sd is None: chisq=np.sum((y-a*x-b)**2) else: chisq=np.sum( ((y-a*x-b)/sd)**2 ) # Number of degrees of freedom assuming 2 free parameters nu=x.size-3 return chisq/nu
[docs]def redchisqxy(x,y,errx,erry,a,b): """ Returns the reduced chi-square error statistic for a linear fit :math:`\chi^2/\nu` where nu is the number of degrees of freedom. The chi-square statistic is computed taking into account the errors in both X and Y (i.e. the effective variance). See equation 3 in Ascenso et al. 2012, A&A or Yee & Ellingson 2003 ApJ. Usage: >>> chisq=redchisqxy(xdata,ydata,errx,erry,a,b) where - xdata,ydata : data - errx,erry : measurement uncertainties in the data - a,b : slope and intercept of the best-fit linear regression model """ sdsq=erry**2+a**2*errx**2 chisq=np.sum( (y-a*x-b)**2/sdsq ) # Number of degrees of freedom assuming 2 free parameters nu=x.size-3 return chisq/nu
[docs]def redchisqg(ydata,ymod,deg=2,sd=None): """ Returns the reduced chi-square error statistic for an arbitrary model, chisq/nu, where nu is the number of degrees of freedom. If individual standard deviations (array sd) are supplied, then the chi-square error statistic is computed as the sum of squared errors divided by the standard deviations. See for reference. ydata,ymod,sd assumed to be Numpy arrays. deg integer. Usage: >>> chisq=redchisqg(ydata,ymod,n,sd) where - ydata : data - ymod : model evaluated at the same x points as ydata - n : number of free parameters in the model - sd : uncertainties in ydata """ # Chi-square statistic if sd is None: chisq=np.sum((ydata-ymod)**2) else: chisq=np.sum( ((ydata-ymod)/sd)**2 ) # Number of degrees of freedom assuming 2 free parameters nu=ydata.size-1-deg return chisq/nu
[docs]def r2(ydata,ymod): """ Computes the "coefficient of determination" R^2. According to wikipedia, "It is the proportion of variability in a data set that is accounted for by the statistical model. It provides a measure of how well future outcomes are likely to be predicted by the model." This method was inspired by References: 1. 2. v1 Apr 18th 2012 """ ss_tot = np.sum( (ydata-ydata.mean())**2 ) ss_err = np.sum( (ydata-ymod)**2 ) return 1.-ss_err/ss_tot
[docs]def fitstats(xdata,ydata,errx,erry,a,b): """ Computes different useful statistics for the given (X +- errX, Y +- errY) arrays of data. Also quantifies the goodness-of-fit of the provided linear fit with slope 'a' and intercept 'b'. Usage: >>> r,rho,rchisq,scat,iscat,r2=fitstats(xdata,ydata,errx,erry,a,b) :param xdata,ydata: data :param errx,erry: measurement uncertainties in the data :param a,b: slope and intercept of the best-fit linear regression model Returns: - Pearson 'r' - Spearman 'rho' - Reduced chi-squared 'chi^2_nu' - raw scatter about the best-fit - intrinsic scatter - Coefficient of determination 'R^2' """ # Pearson r r=scipy.stats.pearsonr(xdata,ydata) # Spearman rho rho=scipy.stats.spearmanr(xdata,ydata) # Reduced chi-squared rchisq=redchisqxy(xdata,ydata,errx,erry,a,b) # raw scatter scat=scatpratt(xdata,ydata,errx,erry,a,b) # intrinsic scatter iscat=intscat(xdata,ydata,errx,erry,a,b) # Coefficient of determination R^2 rtwo=r2(ydata,a*xdata+b) return r,rho,rchisq,scat,iscat,rtwo
# Operations on statistical distributions # ======================================= #
[docs]def splitstd(x): """ Given the input distribution, this method computes two standard deviations: the left and right side spreads. This is especially useful if you are dealing with a split normal distribution from your data and you want to quantify the lower and upper error bars without having to fit a split normal distribution. This is a quick nonparametric method, as opposed to the more computationally intensive minimization involved when fitting a function. Algorithm: - divide the original distribution in two distributions at the mode - create two new distributions, which are the symmetrical versions of the left and right side of the original one - compute the standard deviations for the new mirror distributions :param x: array or list containing the distribution :returns: left.stddev, right.stddev .. note:: do not forget to inspect *x*. """ #med=median(x) med=mode(x) x1=x[ np.where(x<med) ] # left side x1mirror=x1+2.*np.abs(x1-med) # mirror side x1new=np.concatenate((x1,x1mirror)) x2=x[ np.where(x>=med) ] # right side x2mirror=x2-2.*np.abs(x2-med) # mirror side x2new=np.concatenate((x2,x2mirror)) return x1new.std(), x2new.std()
[docs]def mode(x,**kwargs): """ Finds the mode of a distribution, i.e. the value where the PDF peaks. :param x: input list/array with the distribution """ from . import lsd yh,xh=np.histogram(x,50,normed=True,**kwargs) dxh=(xh[1]-xh[0])/2. xh=xh+dxh return xh[,yh) ]
# Custom statistical distributions # ================================== #
[docs]def randomvariate(pdf,n=1000,xmin=0,xmax=1): """ Rejection method for random number generation: Uses the rejection method for generating random numbers derived from an arbitrary probability distribution. For reference, see Bevington's book, page 84. Based on rejection*.py. Usage: >>> randomvariate(P,N,xmin,xmax) where :param P: probability distribution function from which you want to generate random numbers :param N: desired number of random values :param xmin,xmax: range of random numbers desired :returns: the sequence (ran,ntrials) where ran : array of shape N with the random variates that follow the input P ntrials : number of trials the code needed to achieve N Here is the algorithm: - generate x' in the desired range - generate y' between Pmin and Pmax (Pmax is the maximal value of your pdf) - if y'<P(x') accept x', otherwise reject - repeat until desired number is achieved v1 Nov. 2011 """ # Calculates the minimal and maximum values of the PDF in the desired # interval. The rejection method needs these values in order to work # properly. x=np.linspace(xmin,xmax,1000) y=pdf(x) pmin=0. pmax=y.max() # Counters naccept=0 ntrial=0 # Keeps generating numbers until we achieve the desired n ran=[] # output list of random numbers while naccept<n: x=np.random.uniform(xmin,xmax) # x' y=np.random.uniform(pmin,pmax) # y' if y<pdf(x): ran.append(x) naccept=naccept+1 ntrial=ntrial+1 ran=np.asarray(ran) return ran,ntrial
[docs]def splitnorm(x,sig1=1.,sig2=1.,mu=0.): """ Split normal distribution (or asymmetric gaussian) PDF. Useful when dealing with asymmetric error bars. See :param x: input array where the PDF will be computed :param sig1: left standard deviation :param sig2: right std. dev. :param mu: mode :returns: probability distribution function for the array x """ const=np.sqrt(2./np.pi)/(sig1 + sig2) p=np.where(x<mu, np.exp(-((x-mu)**2/(2.*sig1**2)))*const, np.exp(-((x-mu)**2/(2.*sig2**2)))*const) return p
[docs]class splitnorm_gen(scipy.stats.rv_continuous): """ Split normal distribution defined using scipy.stats. Can be called as any scipy.stats distribution. I took the effort of defining the extra CDF and PPF methods below in order to speedup calls to this class (I have particularly in mind the package *mcerp*). :param x: input array where the PDF will be computed :param sig1: left standard deviation :param sig2: right std. dev. :param mu: mode Examples: Defines distribution with sig1=1, sig2=3, mu=0: >>> split = splitnorm_gen(name='splitnorm', shapes='sig1, sig2, mu') >>> s=split(1,3,0.0001) >>> x=np.linspace(-10,10,100) Computes PDF: >>> s.pdf(x) Computes CDF: >>> s.cdf(x) Generates 100 random numbers: >>> s.rvs(100) .. warning:: for some reason, this fails if mu=0. """ def _pdf(self, x, sig1, sig2, mu): const=np.sqrt(2./np.pi)/(sig1 + sig2) p=np.where(x<=mu, np.exp(-((x-mu)**2/(2.*sig1**2)))*const, np.exp(-((x-mu)**2/(2.*sig2**2)))*const) return p def _cdf(self, x, sig1, sig2, mu): const=1./(sig1+sig2) c=np.where(x<=mu, sig1*const*(1.+scipy.special.erf((x-mu)/(np.sqrt(2.)*sig1))), const*(sig1+sig2*scipy.special.erf((x-mu)/(np.sqrt(2.)*sig2))) ) return c def _ppf(self,q,sig1,sig2,mu): nu=sig1/(sig1 + sig2) pf=np.where(q<=nu, np.sqrt(2.)*sig1*scipy.special.erfinv((sig1 + sig2)/sig1*q - 1.) + mu, np.sqrt(2)*sig2*scipy.special.erfinv(((sig1 + sig2)*q - sig1)/sig2) + mu ) return pf def _stats(self, sig1, sig2, mu): mean=mu+np.sqrt(2./np.pi)*(sig2 - sig1) var=(1.-2./np.pi)*(sig2-sig1)**2 + sig1*sig2 skew=np.sqrt(2./np.pi)*(sig2-sig1)*( (4./np.pi-1.)*(sig2-sig1)**2+sig1*sig2 ) kurt=None return mean, var, skew, kurt
# p-values and significance # =========================== #
[docs]def r2p(r,n): """ Given a value of the Pearson r coefficient, this method gives the corresponding p-value of the null hypothesis (i.e. no correlation). Code copied from scipy.stats.pearsonr source. Usage: >>> p=r2p(r,n) where 'r' is the Pearson coefficient and n is the number of data points. :returns: p-value of the null hypothesis. """ import scipy.special df = n-2 if abs(r) == 1.0: prob = 0.0 else: t_squared = r*r * (df / ((1.0 - r) * (1.0 + r))) prob = scipy.special.betainc(0.5*df, 0.5, df / (df + t_squared)) return prob
[docs]def p2sig(p): """ Given the p-value Pnull (i.e. probability of the null hypothesis) below, evaluates the confidence level with which we can reject the hypothesis in standard deviations. Inspired on prob2sig.nb. Usage: >>> s=p2sig(0.001) """ sig=np.sqrt(2.)*scipy.special.erfinv(1.-p) return sig
[docs]def conf2sig(p): """ Given a confidence p-value, translates it into standard deviations. E.g., p=0.683 -> 1sigma, p=0.954 -> 2sigma, etc. Inspired on p2sig method. Usage: >>> s=conf2sig(0.683) """ sig=np.sqrt(2.)*scipy.special.erfinv(p) return sig
[docs]def sig2conf(sig): """ Given a number of std. deviations, translates it into a p-value. E.g., 1sigma -> p=0.683, 2sigma -> p=0.954, etc. Inspired on p2sig method. Usage: >>> s=sig2conf(5.) """ return scipy.special.erf(sig/np.sqrt(2.))