
Current astrophysics research.

My field of research is black hole astrophysics: where physics, astronomy, statistics and high-performance computing collide. Out of this collision, I hope to get profound insights about the nature of gravity and the role of black holes in the cosmos.

I work at the interface between theory and observations, employing advanced computational simulations to model black hole accretion and their outflows, and studying their observed electromagnetic-ray emission.

I use many tools in my research:

  • Scientific computing
  • Statistical analysis
  • High-performance computing and fluid dynamics simulations on GPUs
  • Machine learning and predictive models

Key discoveries (no astrophysics background required)

Go here for a summary of my most significant scientific discoveries written in an accessible way.

Numerical simulations of black hole accretion and outflows

  • Winds and jets; feedback on the host galaxy
  • Radiative processes in the hot plasma near event horizons
  • Accelerated methods using NVIDIA GPUs (CUDA)
  • Ergomagnetosphere

Gamma-ray astronomy

  • Low-luminosity AGNs
  • Intermediate-mass black holes
  • Observatories: Fermi LAT, CTA

Supermassive binary black holes and electromagnetic counterparts

Machine learning

  • Applied methods including deep learning
  • Neural operators
  • Transformers