.. nmmn documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Sep 11 23:53:27 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. `nmmn `_ ================================================== Tools for astronomy, data analysis, time series, numerical simulations and more! These are modules I wrote which I find useful -- for whatever reason -- in my research. List of submodules available: * `astro`: astronomy * `dsp`: signal processing * `lsd`: misc. operations on arrays, lists, dictionaries and sets * `stats`: statistical methods * `plots`: custom plots * `fermi`: Fermi LAT analysis methods * `bayes`: Bayesian tools for dealing with posterior distributions * `grmhd`: tools for dealing with GRMHD numerical simulations * `sed`: tools for dealing with spectral energy distributions (SEDs) * `finance`: financial market `Code available on Github `_. Usage ------- Example 1: Remove all `nan` and `inf` (:math:`\infty`) elements from a numpy array. >>> import nmmn.lsd, numpy >>> x=numpy.array([1,2,numpy.nan,numpy.inf]) >>> xok=nmmn.lsd.delweird(x) Example 2: Reads SED generated by `grmonty `_. >>> import nmmn.sed >>> s=nmmn.sed.SED() >>> s.grmonty('grmonty.spec') >>> plot(s.lognu, s.ll) Now it is easy to compute the bolometric luminosity: `s.bol()`. Contents --------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 nmmn Todo ----- - [ ] need more examples Indices and tables -------------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`